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your bridge to the cloud

golden hand bridge

sound familiar?

' we're lost '

it has enthusiastically begun the journey to the cloud. a series of seemingly harmless but ill-advised choices have left you stranded in an unfamiliar land.

brave neophyte

' hot mess '

the hurried, quasi-integrations that exemplified your company’s M&A “strategy” have left you with a hot mess of legacy platforms. you’ve just been ordered to “go to the cloud.”

once burned

' ship-storm '

your enterprise was happily sailing along until the C-19 ship-storm hit. Now you’re in uncharted territory and your boat’s battered and adrift.

ship storm
Jim James

Our team at has been partnering with Bifrost over the past 1.5 years. They have developed a framework and accelerator that is helping our clients move forward whereever they are on the Devops journey. We have pitched their product to several large Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 companies. This framework we believe could be a game changer for a lot of our clients.


accelerate your cloud native transformation today